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Black Male Style Pioneers

As Black History Month comes to an end, I want to add some final insight on influential African Americans. GQ along with Street Etiquette came up with a list of "20 Black Style Pioneers." I liked the idea, and came up with my own condensed list of who I think are the Black Male Style Pioneers. The idea of a fashion pioneer is of a person that created and personified not only a trend, but a style. Here's my list:

Before Marvin Gaye, it was always about suits and ties. Marvin made it acceptable to be relaxed, yet fly at the same time. Every day you can run across someone with the vintage denim shirt look thanks to this man.

Miles Davis was one of the most unique jazz musicians to walk the face of the earth. His eccentric style was a direct reflection of the music that he orchestrated.

Before Run DMC, rap artists dressed like rock stars. Run DMC brought the style of the inner city to the stage.

(far right)

Even in a picture with Martin Luther King Jr. civil rights activist Cecil B. Moore’s style stands out above the rest.

Andre 3000 is a textbook example of how to pimp your Prep school uniform. He consistently manages to wear traditional pieces while adding a bit of flare.

Teddy’s style complimented the love ballads he preformed that would make the ladies want to come on over to his place.

You can’t be considered a member of the Rat Pack and not embody coolness. Sammy Davis suits were always smooth with the perfect cut and style as he performed on The Strip in Las Vegas.

Pharrell combines skateboarding and prep, two styles at complete opposite ends of the spectrum, and somehow manages to make them work together.

Talk about “All Black Everything.” Huey Newton displayed his militant views strategically with each article of clothing.

Who’s Your Favorite?

I’ve given you my black male style pioneers. Leave us a comment and let us know who you think should make the list.