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Can I borrow a Quarter?

As a child I knew that I didn’t have much, but I always realized I had more than others. “Much” back in middle school meant being able to go to the store after class to buy your favorite junk food. I was willing to share my funds and my food with my friends because Snoop Dogg explained that “it aint no fun if your homies can’t have none.” In the 4th grade I would routinely support my buddy Jack. I had a soft spot for him. He wore tattered clothes, was big for his age, and had been left back. Over time, Jack started to take my kindness as a weakness and refer to me as his favorite candy bar: Payday. I ignored it. I figured he was either jealous of the little extra money I had or embarrassed that I gave him money. One day, I confronted Jack, challenged him to a fight, and wondered to myself if I had rubbing alcohol and band aids in the medicine cabinet at home. To my surprise, Jack shouted, “It’s about time.” He explained that I was being too nice, and that I couldn’t let people take advantage of me. He was glad that I finally stood up for myself. In a weird turn of events, Jack became my enforcer. I wonder if Jack has any kids. If so, they could earn a big payday by helping out the bully in this video.